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We are hiring!
Paid Environmental Justice Fellowship
Job begins: Immediately – Full-time.
Employer: Comrie Enterprises, LLC, and the City of Mount Vernon
What is Adopt Clean Energy?
We are your passport to explore new heating and cooling technology for your home or building.
Learn more about heat pumps. Who can install them and how can you afford them?
Join us to Save the Planet!
What are current heat pump users saying about our Clean Energy Campaigns?
“I want people to know that there’s no catch. The HeatSmart folks are genuinely trying to connect community members with programs that will save them money, make them more comfortable, and reduce their carbon footprint.“
-Vincent F., Town of Italy, HeatSmart FLX South program
“We love our geothermal system because we are no longer using precious non-renewable resources to keep our home at a comfortable temperature.”
Who is Adopt Clean Energy?
Adopt Clean Energy is a community service campaign for the cities of New Rochelle and Mount Vernon. New York State Energy Research and Development Authority funds the program to help Urban League of Westchester and Comrie Enterprises:
Educate residents and property owners about heat pumps and the benefits of installing them.
Teach residents about the many ways to finance heat pump installation.
Vet professional installers to work with residents.
Guide residents about what to expect during installation.
Provide cost-free training for Mount Vernon and New Rochelle residents to become heat pump installers and assist trainees with job placement, apprenticeships, and internships.
Invite volunteers to save our planet by spreading the word about heat pumps.
Why Should I Care?
Burning fossil fuels (oil, gas, propane, and coal) to heat our homes is destroying our planet. New York State has an aggressive plan to eliminate the use of fossil fuel for building heating and in fact, in Southern Westchester, Con Edison is no longer accepting applications for new firm natural gas customers. Eventually, oil and other types of fossil fuel will be banned in New York.
Heat Pumps are the newest technology to provide building heating and cooling that does not use fossil fuel. Heat Pumps are cleaner, cheaper, and safer for your family and the environment.
Who Qualifies?
Building/property owners are eligible to apply.
Building Type:
Single-Family Homes (one family unit)
Apartment buildings (two or more family units)
Cooperative Apartments
Places of Worship
Non-profit Buildings
Commercial Buildings
Retail Buildings
Industrial Facilities
Office Buildings
Nursing Homes
New Construction Buildings
Existing Buildings
Resident's Income level: